Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Our week long event "The Ability Celebration" is fast approaching. Our special guests, Wounded Warriors disabled in Iraq and Afghanistan, will arrive in Reno on March 22nd. You can find information about the event at www.disabledsports.net

Yesterday I had a heart warming experience. Last week we decided to take the Warriors to dinner in Reno after they arrive. So I called an old buddy, Rick Riley, one of the worlds top prosthetists who's shop is over that way and I asked him if his Rotary Club would sponsor the dinner. He called the club President and they invited me to their weekly meeting. Rick told me that they usually consider things like this well in advance but that they would make a pitch at the meeting. He was pretty sure there would be a good responce.

Durring the meeting announcements the President said, "I do this every once in a while. I am asking you to stand up if you will donate $100 dollars so we can host a dinner for soldiers and marines disabled in Iraq and Afghanistan". He chocked up as he said, "they'll be coming right off the hospital wards to attend an event being held by Disabled Sports. I need 10 of you to help so we'll have $1000." Twenty-nine people stood up ! The extra funds will help pay for several other meals.

As a Viet Nam vet, I can tell you that I am very proud of our citizens today for they respect they give those who serve. They deserve it.

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